
In the laundry business, delivering clean, crisp, and stain-free linens and garments is not just a goal - it's a promise to your clients. You need reliable commercial laundry products that combine efficiency with cost-effectiveness, enhancing your operation's bottom line.

Unilever Professional stands as your partner for commercial laundry detergents in South Africa, catering to a diverse range of businesses. From bed and breakfast establishments to larger hospitality ventures, trust us to provide you with top-tier laundry solutions. Our products meet the high standards your business requires, ensuring every load of laundry comes out impeccably clean and fresh.

Commercial Laundry Products

Comfort Concentrated Fabric Conditioner - Elegance 3L
Unilever Professional
Comfort Concentrated Fabric Conditioner - Elegance 3L
Comfort Concentrated Fabric Conditioner - Uplifting 3L
Unilever Professional
Comfort Concentrated Fabric Conditioner - Uplifting 3L
Comfort Concentrated Fabric Conditioner - Morning Fresh 3L
Unilever Professional
Comfort Concentrated Fabric Conditioner - Morning Fresh 3L
Domestos Multipurpose Thick Bleach 3L
Unilever Professional
Domestos Multipurpose Thick Bleach 3L
Domestos Multipurpose Thick Bleach 10L
Unilever Professional
Domestos Multipurpose Thick Bleach 10L
OMO Auto Washing Powder 9kg
Unilever Professional
OMO Auto Washing Powder 9kg
OMO Hand Washing Powder 9kg
Unilever Professional
OMO Hand Washing Powder 9kg
Skip Auto Washing Powder 9kg
Unilever Professional
Skip Auto Washing Powder 9kg
Sunlight Auto Washing Powder 9kg
Unilever Professional
Sunlight Auto Washing Powder 9kg
Sunlight Hand Washing Powder 9kg
Unilever Professional
Sunlight Hand Washing Powder 9kg

About Our Laundry Products

  1. Commercial products specifically packaged for bulk use.
    When it comes to commercial detergents, we stock a wide range of products in commercial sizes that are ideal for the following uses:

    Automatic Washing Machines: Our range of commercial autowashing powders will ensure effective use in your industrial or large-scale cleaning machines.

    Hand Washing: We also stock a range of hand-washing detergents for those bulk items that need to be hand-washed instead of washed in an automatic machine.
  2. Cost-effective for your business.
    Thanks to the size of the packaging that these products come in, it is most definitely much more cost-effective to buy from a trusted commercial laundry detergent supplier like us.
  3. Variety in size options.
    We stock 3 kg bags of laundry detergents inside the 9 kg larger packaging, allowing for better portion control as well as avoiding clotting of powders that result in damage to the washing machines. Our commercial fabric conditioner is available in a 3 L bottle.
  4. Our bulk solutions benefit your business.
    Any business owner will attest that buying in bulk is a wise decision for your business. Our bulk options allow you to save money, safe your staff time, and give you peace of mind when buying from a trusted commercial detergent supplier.
About Our Laundry Products